Nikah / Marriage

If you would like to be married at Masjid Al-Sunnah or can request the Imam to officiate your wedding ceremony at a your location.

Family life is the foundation of a successful society, and marriage is an occasion of great joy in the Muslim community.

Al-Sunnah Mosque has been conducting nikah ceremonies, divorces and conversions since its inception in 2000 which records have been kept in a digital database and there is a charge for obtaining a copy.
We at the Al-Sunnah Mosque see it as an honour to facilitate this blessed union of two souls. Nikah agreement/contract can be conducted on site at the mosque, or our Imam can conduct the nikah at a venue of your choice.

Nikah Fees

Nikah certificates: The Certificate of Nikah will be issued, after Shariah verification.

Al-Sunnah Mosque issues certificates for those who wish to get married under Islamic law.

If you would like to book an appointment for nikah please call us on: 01614920699. Or email us: [email protected]

£ 100.00
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Donation Total: £100.00

Booking Requirements:

For a marriage to be conducted by a qualified imam form Al-Sunnah Mosque, a number of terms and conditions will have to be met before one can arrange a Nikah. These are:

  1. Mutual Agreement/Consent from both the bride and groom for the Nikah
  2. The marriage dowry (Mahr) has to be agreed.
  3. Valid Passports of the Bride and the Groom need to be provided.
  4. Proof of UK Residential Address for both the Bride and the Groom.
  5. Conversion Certificate for new Muslims (Groom and/or Bride).
  6. Presence of two Muslim male witnesses of goods character, with their IDs. This could be their Valid Passport or full UK driving licence.
  7. Proof of UK Residential Address for both witnesses.
  8. Presence of the Wali (Guardian). This is the bride's father, grandfather, brother, uncle or next of responsible male kin to the bride), with his ID - Valid Passport.
  9. In the absence of the Wali: Wakeel (attorney) must be present. The Wakeel should obtain a valid power of attorney from the Wali, and must provide valid Passport as well as Proof of UK Residential Address.
  10. If the bride has previously been married, then an Islamic divorce certificate is required.
  11. A fee of £150 to be paid when the booking is made. Please note that Certificates are usually issued in both Arabic and English.
  12. There is a fee of £200 when a marriage is conducted outside the Al-Sunnah Mosque premises.
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